Thursday, June 2, 2016
Stocky Trout Eat MEAT
"Nine out of 10 of the big browns we caught had crayfish in their bellies. I'm not talking little crayfish, either. Many of them were 3 or 4 inches long," Check it out here. |
Monday, March 21, 2016
Big Brown Trout Becomes Georgia State Record
After a 45-minute battle, Chad Doughty landed what turned out to be a new Georgia state record brown trout... Click here |
Thursday, January 21, 2016
One whale of a brown trout
Kansas man lands third largest brown trout in Arkansas history Check it out here. |
Monday, December 28, 2015
Check out this video of a monster hookjaw Atlantic:
Click here |
Sunday, December 20, 2015
Huge rainbow trout pigging out in Clearwater’s North Fork
A few anglers have hooked into absurdly fat rainbow trout that apparently feed on kokanee salmon that are occasionally flushed through the dam. Check it out here. |
Sunday, December 13, 2015
Sturgeon River Strain Brown Trout Show Promise
Click here |
Sunday, December 6, 2015
HUGE BROWN TROUT!! - Dever Springs
Check it out here. |
Sunday, November 29, 2015
Big flies attract big trout
Click here |
Sunday, November 22, 2015
Big Brown Trout Becomes Georgia State Record
After a 45-minute battle, Chad Doughty landed what turned out to be a new Georgia state record brown trout. Check it out here. |
Sunday, November 15, 2015
Brown trout caught in Mackenzie hydro canals the 'biggest ever'
Anglers are describing it as the biggest looking fish ever pulled from the South Island's hydro canals, but a man who was there when it was caught is convinced there's even bigger monsters lurking in there. Click here |
Sunday, November 8, 2015
Unusually large brook trout caught in Lake Superior
Check it out here. |
Sunday, November 1, 2015
Sight Fishing – Trophy Trout
Our sight fishing trout trips are for the single angler with a singular mission; to catch the trout of a lifetime. Click here |
Sunday, October 25, 2015
Throwing Big Baits for Big Michigan Trout
Drew Blackall caught this giant brown trout on the Muskegon River. Check it out here. |
Sunday, October 18, 2015
It's official: ID angler shatters WA tiger trout record
Click here |
Sunday, October 11, 2015
Sight Fishing – Trophy Trout
Our sight fishing trout trips are for the single angler with a singular mission; to catch the trout of a lifetime. Check it out here. |
Monday, October 5, 2015
Unusually large brook trout caught in Lake Superior
Click here |
Monday, September 28, 2015
Brown trout caught in Mackenzie hydro canals the 'biggest ever'
Anglers are describing it as the biggest looking fish ever pulled from the South Island's hydro canals, but a man who was there when it was caught is convinced there's even bigger monsters lurking in there. Check it out here. |
Monday, September 21, 2015
Eric shows you have he trolls for some monster browns in the fall on Lake Michigan.
Click here |
Monday, September 14, 2015
This video by jensenflyfishing has taken about 13 years worth of studying, fly fishing, and camera work. Check it out here. |
Sunday, September 6, 2015
Billings Angler Lands Huge Missouri River Brown
Click here |
Monday, August 31, 2015
Hot mouse bite for big brookies. Check it out here.
Check it out here. |
Sunday, August 23, 2015
In this video by mikefsher you will see some amazing New Zealand Trout being caught by Kresten Ovesen, on uncharted River territory! Click here |
Sunday, August 16, 2015
This video is by Catch Magazine and Todd Moen running camera and editing, will show you some of the most beautiful Trout and scenery that I have ever seen... Click here |
Sunday, August 9, 2015
Labrador: Big Patterns for Big Brook Trout
Over many seasons of fly fishing in Maine, the native brook trout has become the species I am truly passionate about. Click here |
Sunday, August 2, 2015
Big and Brown
In Southwest Missouri lake country, fall is all about crisp mornings, rolling fog … and big brown trout... Click here |
Sunday, July 26, 2015
Record-breaking brook trout caught in Adirondacks
New York conservation officials say a state record-breaking catch of a brook trout is a sign of lakes in the Adirondacks are recovery from acid rain pollution. Click here |
Sunday, July 19, 2015
Move on over Labrador the Fortress Lake has gained repute as the world’s most dramatic trophy brook trout fishery... Click here |
Sunday, July 12, 2015
City man lands 30-pound brown trout
Melvin Bell set out on a 15-day summer fishing trip nearly six hours from home to catch a 20-pound trout on the White River. Click here |
Sunday, July 5, 2015
Sunday, June 28, 2015
Labrador: Big Patterns for Big Brook Trout
Over many seasons of fly fishing in Maine, the native brook trout has become the species I am truly passionate about. Click here |
Sunday, June 21, 2015
Teenager reels in big trout to always tell stories about
It's called fishing for a reason. But while not every outing results in a catch, it does net a story... Click here |
Sunday, June 14, 2015
Argentina Fly Fishing Trip Report
Click here |
Sunday, June 7, 2015
Fishing Tips: Catch Monster Brown Trout at These 7 Best Tailraces
Big trout are not necessarily genetic mutants—they’re simply voracious feeders that are constantly on the prowl for an easy meal, which means some of the slabbiest salmonids of the year are highly catchable right now in the tailraces below dams... Click here |
Monday, June 1, 2015
Huge brown trout pulled from Lake Tahoe
One of the biggest brown trout in history at Lake Tahoe, just 5 ounces from the lake record, was landed last weekend amid a proliferation of giant fish at the south end of the lake... Click here |
Tuesday, May 26, 2015
Nothing better than landing monster fish in public waters in Colorado
If there is anything that trumps the sensation of hooking into a monster fish on a fly rod, it's the satisfaction of catching it in public fishing water... Click here |
Sunday, May 17, 2015
Bass Angler Catches Oklahoma State Record Rainbow Trout
After setting out for a morning of bass fishing on the Lower Illinois River on April 4, Sallisaw, Okla., resident Paul Glover ended the day breaking a state record... Click here |
Sunday, May 10, 2015
Photo Friday – January 17
Click here |
Sunday, May 2, 2015
Big Brown Trout Becomes Georgia State Record
After a 45-minute battle, Chad Doughty landed what turned out to be a new Georgia state record brown trout... Click here |
Sunday, April 26, 2015
Woman reports catching huge lake trout
It might not be prime fishing season in northern Vermont, as months of frigid conditions have frozen over Lake Champlain and left many of us clamoring for spring...Click here |
Sunday, April 12, 2015
As many of you have probably seen, California fishing guide, Anthony Carruesco, put one the most beautiful trout that we have ever seen to hand last summer...Click here |
Sunday, April 5, 2015
Pyramid Lake Lahontan cutthroat trout saved from extinction
Hour after hour, Brian Dunn lofted his fly line into the turquoise-blue water of this shimmering desert lake north of Reno... Click here |
Sunday, March 15, 2015
Woman reports catching huge lake trout
It might not be prime fishing season in northern Vermont, as months of frigid conditions have frozen over Lake Champlain and left many of us clamoring for spring. Click here |
Sunday, March 22, 2015
Kamloops Trout
Is there really a "Kamloops Trout"? A trout that is distinct and different from other Rainbow Trout? Click here |
Sunday, March 15, 2015
Sunday, March 8, 2015
One whale of a brown trout
Kansas man lands third largest brown trout in Arkansas history. Click here |
Tuesday, March 3, 2015
According to the book Trout and Salmon of North America by Robert J. Behnke strains of Brown Trout over 100lbs. once existed in Europe as late as 1916... Click here |
Sunday, February 22, 2015
The taimen is the largest member of the salmonid family, which also includes trout and salmon. Click here |
Sunday, February 15, 2015
‘Big brown trout’ in hydro lakes tempt anglers
Auckland/Waikato Fisheries Manager Adam Daniel says it’s a great time of year to spin, troll or fly fish for these big brown trout on the hydro lakes of Arapuni and Karapiro... Click here |
Sunday, February 8, 2015
Winter Produces Trophy Rainbow At Rufus Woods Reservoir
Rufus Woods has had a reputation for producing big rainbow for quite a while. It got my attention in the early 90s when I was living at Lake Chelan. Click here |
Sunday, February 2, 2015
Big Brown Trout In the Golden Crescent
Mention the term “Golden Crescent” and fishermen automatically think of the big brown trout... Click here |
Sunday, January 15, 2015
Big trout likely went deep to survive Illinois summers
Central Illinois is not known for supporting populations of cold-water fish like the huge rainbow trout Zach Janssen caught last week. Click here |
Sunday, January 18, 2015
28-pound rainbow trout caught in northern Idaho would have been record-breaker
A 28-pound rainbow trout was caught in a northern Idaho river last week—which would have been the largest in state history-- but it had to be released due to state laws protecting the threatened species. Click here |
Sunday, January 11, 2015
Monster Lake Trout on Clear Ice
Click here for video |
Sunday, January 4, 2015
Big trout in upper beat West Rangá
Click here |
Sunday, December 28, 2014
Hatchery tricks brown trout to swim upstream to yield next generation of fish
It was a beast of a trout that Scott Sandusky of Arnold hauled out of Lake Taneycomo in 2009... Click here |
Sunday, December 21, 2014
Fungus attacks some Big Hole River trout
The Montana Department of Fish, Wildlife and Parks said anglers are reporting dead brown trout in the Big Hole River near Melrose... Click here |
Sunday, December 14, 2014
When a North American Fisherman contributor was striking out with trout, he decided to think outside the tackle box... Click here |
Sunday, December 7, 2014
The record brown trout was caught on the Rio Chama below El Vado Dam by G. T. Colgrove of Decatur, Texas, on July 8th, 1946. It is the largest River Run Brown Trout ever caught in New Mexico... Click here |
Sunday, November 30, 2014
Brown Trout
Brown trout are members of the Atlantic trout and salmon subgroup of the salmon family (Salmonidae)... Click here |
Sunday, November 23, 2014
Brook Trout Facts
Brook trout are members of the char subgroup of the salmon family (Salmonidae) which also includes the Arctic char, bull trout, Dolly Varden and lake trout... Click here |
Sunday, November 16, 2014
Kamloops Trout
Is there really a "Kamloops Trout"? A trout that is distinct and different from other Rainbow Trout? Click here |
Sunday, November 9, 2014
Brown Trout Facts
These trout eat more than 90% of their food sub surface. So next time you are dead set on fishing dry flies you might want to reconsider... Click here |
Sunday, November 2, 2014
New World Record Confirmed in New Zealand.
42 pound 1 oz brown trout that was caught in March of 2013 was confirmed a couple days ago as the all tackle world record brown trout. Click here |
Sunday, October 26, 2014
Bagging the Big Browns
Check out this old article from 1992 about the Brownbaggers... Click here |
Sunday, October 19, 2014
Oklahoma angler catches, releases likely record rainbow at Taneycomo
To Mark Clemishire’s eye, the fish looked like “a submarine coming up out of the water,” pushing a bow wave and trailing a big, deep wake through the edge of Lake Taneycomo...
Click here |
Sunday, October 12, 2014
Tactics for Larger Trout
Early one summer I overheard a couple of guys talking about fly fishing. One of them said that fly fishing is more fun but you don't catch big trout on flies because they don't feed on small insects... Click here |
Sunday, October 5, 2014
How To Fish Minnows For Larger High Water Trout
Shiner minnows can be fished anytime of year, in any water condition, low or high. Yet they really "shine" in winter high waters...
Click here |
Sunday, September 28, 2014
Best of the West's Big Trout Waters
If you want truly big trout--not those five-pound dinks--where do you go? And when do you go there? Here's a run-down of the best places and times for big trout. Click here |
Sunday, September 21, 2014
Fly Fishing for Trophy Trout on Noontootla Creek
Sometimes it is hard to describe the long awaited anticipation of a fishing trip. And yet I think every person on the FAOL site has felt a little pinch of pain at the post of amazing stream, creek, pond, lakes, river not to mention the ever so punishing pictures of fish caught at those very locations.
Click here |
Sunday, September 14, 2014
Fly Fishing for Big Brown Trout in Oregon
We spent over five months filming and fishing for these trout to produce this film; researching and patterning them, trying to target large, predatory fish. Click here |
Sunday, September 7, 2014
Fly Fishing for Large Trout
Montana fly fishing has become synonymous with big rivers and large wild trout. With hundreds of thousands of miles of quality trout streams, spectacular scenery and an unspoiled landscape it is easy to see why the state holds a special place in the hearts of fly fisherman from around the globe.
Click here |
Sunday, August 31, 2014
Best Fishing Video Ever?
Is this the best fishing video ever? Watch it and you be the judge! Click here |
Sunday, August 24, 2014
The return of the giant cutthroat trout
For the first time since it was declared extinct in the 1940s, a giant cutthroat trout native to northwest Nevada’s Pyramid Lake has spawned naturally this year in its historic home.
Click here |
Sunday, August 17, 2014
Near record fish caught on Flathead Lake
A state record for the Mackinaw or Lake Trout was nearly broken on Tuesday. Click here |
Sunday, August 10, 2014
A Record Brown Trout
You think of big brown trout and Montana, Wyoming and Colorado come to mind. Certainly not the city of Atlanta.
Click here |
Saturday, July 26, 2014
Accidental Trophy Brown Trout
The 28-inch brown in the picture was actually caught when I was carp fishing! Click here |
Saturday, July 19, 2014
Sierra Report: 17 POUNDS!!! Monster Brown Strikes
Jed Noonchester is a brown trout hunter who normally fishes on the west side of the High Sierra. But he might be changing that habit after hauling in a 17-pound brown at Lower Twin Lake over the July 4th holiday weekend.
Click here |
Saturday, July 12, 2014
All of us infected with the world’s greatest disease have these side effects, fly fishing tends to turn even the most responsible into a kid again. Click here |
Monday, July 7, 2014
Brook Trout of Our 2011 Season
‘One of the best, if not the best season ever.’
Click here |
Monday, June 30, 2014
Alaska Trophy Trout Fishing
The guides of Great Alaska Adventure Lodge, targeting our surrounding rivers, consistently produce some of Alaska's most impressive Rainbow Trout and Dolly Varden catches. Click here |
Saturday, June 21, 2014
Outdoors: State trout record is barely on the hook
It was no secret in the 1970s that there was a massive brown trout lurking in the cold, clear water that gushes from Philpott Dam into the Smith River.
Click here |
Saturday, June 14, 2014
Fish Stories — catching a state-record fish
Call it skill, luck, good karma, or a
combination of all three, but for Dan
Germain of Forestport, NY, it was the
thrill of a lifetime. Click here |
Sunday, June 8, 2014
Bass Fishing for Trout
Think all trout fishing must be done with a wispy fly rod? Think again...
Click here |
Monday, June 2, 2014
Coker hooks prize wild brown trout
It's a good 90-minute drive or more from Hickory Tavern to the mountain haunts where Wes Coker fishes for trout, but he has become pretty good at making the trips worthwhile. Click here |
Saturday, May 24, 2014
Debate over world record trout still happening 96 years later
Fishing for sea run trout offers the chance to catch one in the two-pound range but these days to catch a larger brook trout you usually need to go to Labrador.
Click here |
Saturday, May 17, 2014
Captain Quinn Video
MASSIVE huge bull trout EATS cutthroat trout Click here |
Sunday, May 11, 2014
Whopper trout Door native's only strike
Baileys Harbor Brown Trout Tournament on Lake Michigan produces a giant winner.
Click here |
Saturday, May 3, 2014
One big trout, one good fish story
Check out this massive brown. Click here |
Saturday, April 26, 2014
Bob Jacklin's Fish of a Lifetime
Watch this famous angler land a big brown!
New Zealand.
Click here |
Saturday, April 19, 2014
Fly Fishing New Zealand for Trophy Brown Trout
Cool video footage of some nice New Zealand browns. Click here |
Saturday, April 12, 2014
14lb Brown
Cool video of a big brown from
New Zealand.
Click here |
Saturday, April 5, 2014
25 pounder caught at Pyramid
Pyramid Lake’s biggest fish of the season came to shore Wednesday. Click here |
Sunday, March 30, 2014
Big trout at Scofield Reservoir
Scofield Reservoir is always a good place to fish in late fall. But this fall, the chance of catching a big tiger or cutthroat trout might be better than ever.
Click here |
Saturday, March 22, 2014
Beautiful hookjaw brown taken on a streamer.
The other day I was talking with a friend about streamer fishing for trophy class trout. Specifically we were debating what’s the best size streamer for catching trophy browns.
Click here |
Saturday, March 15, 2014
Orvis Video
Check out this cool Orvis video of some nice browns taking damsel flies right out of the air!
Click here |
Saturday, March 8, 2014
Read an article I did for about using planer boards to land more trophy trout.
Click here |
Saturday, March 1, 2014
A. C. Hatchery Trout Swim Plug
Watch Eric Herb release his beautiful 19 LB. laker he caught with me in Dec. 2013.
Click here |
Saturday, February 22, 2014
Potential World-Record Brown Trout Through The Ice
Check out this video of a monster brown pulled through the ice from the Great Lakes.
Click here |
Saturday, February 15, 2014
A. C. Hatchery Trout Swim Plug
If you are fishing for troply fish, this is an excellent plug. You may not get a lot of bites while fishing with an A.C. Plug but the ones you do get usually will be worth taking a picture. Use these baits if you want to catch a wall hanger.
Click here |
Saturday, February 8, 2014
Catching Trophy Fish In Lake Michigan
If you fish for trophy fish, several factors determine the size and quantity of your catch. If you are a member of a fishing club, you probably noticed the same persons seem to place very well for the biggest fish every year. I believe there are many components that go into their success.
Click here |
Saturday, February 1, 2014
How To Catch Brown Trout By Fishing the Zone
Let me explain how to be more productive by following some basic rules and using basic tools.
Click here |
Saturday, January 25, 2014
Fishing Lures for Trophy Lake Trout
Finding a trophy may be a difficult task although I feel following a few rules will augment your odds for success
Click here |
Saturday, January 18, 2014
Lake Michigan Trophy Brown Trout
Most anglers get hung up on salmon fishing and ignore big Bulldog Brown Trout. Once you have an opportunity to hook up with a fish that is almost as big around as he is long you will be back for more.
Click here |
Saturday, January 11, 2014
Catching Trophy Size Brown Trout
Although catching a Trophy Size Brown Trout is normally a "Once in a Lifetime Event"; it does not have to be. Read more here |
Saturday, January 4, 2014
Tactics for Larger Trout
Timing is important. The warm days from June through August are the most popular times for fishing the waters of southeastern Idaho.
Click here |
Saturday, December 28, 2013
Fly Fishing for Large Trout
Montana fly fishing has become synonymous with big rivers and large wild trout. With hundreds of thousands of miles of quality trout streams, spectacular scenery and an unspoiled landscape it is easy to see why the state holds a special place in the hearts of fly fisherman from around the globe. Read more here |
Saturday, December 21, 2013
Monster trout caught in unlikely Idaho waters
Dave Whitworth’s goal on Nov. 24 was to coax some small fish to take a dry fly. He ended up with a monster trout.
Click here |
Friday, December 13, 2013
Sport Fish Photo Gallery
This lake is on fire!! Check out this photo album from Crosby’s Lodge on Pyramid Lake. These cutts were caught in Oct./Nov. and are all over 10 LB.!! Read more here |
Saturday, December 7, 2013
Oklahoma angler catches, releases likely record rainbow at Taneycomo
To Mark Clemishire’s eye, the fish looked like “a submarine coming up out of the water.”
Click here |
Saturday, November 30, 2013
Sport Fish Photo Gallery
This gallery was created to give you an idea of where we fish and what we catch. Read more here |
Saturday, November 23, 2013
Catch trophy trout from the lake shore
Some of the best trout fishing in the Taupo and Rotorua districts can be had standing in ankle-deep water on the edge of a lake.
Click here |
Friday, November 15, 2013
No trick, just a real treat
Here's Randy Mikels secret to catching a 37-inch, 25-pound rainbow trout on Lake Pend Oreille. Read more here |
Friday, November 1, 2013
There are few angling destinations in the world that rival Newfoundland and Labrador. Whether you’re fishing for wild Atlantic salmon, record-breaking landlocked salmon, trophy brook trout, northern pike, whitefish or large Arctic char, you’ve come to the right place.
Click here |
Friday, October 25, 2013
Awesome Fishing in North Georgia on the Soque River 2013
Check out this gallery of great catches on the Soque River. Read more here |
Friday, October 18, 2013
Angler breaks state brook trout record fishing in Adirondack wilderness area
For the eighth time in nine years, the state fishing record for brook trout has been broken.
Click here |
Wednesday, October 9, 2013
County's run of trophy trout catches continues
Miramar Lake, which was the first to stock the Nebraska Tailwalkers six years ago, produced another lunker trout this week. Read more here |
Wednesday, October 2, 2013
Kevin Naze column: 32-pound trout caught off Algoma pier
Bearcat’s Fish House in Algoma weighed a 32.4-pound brown trout caught off the pier by Karl Kemmer of Green Bay last week.
Click here |
Wednesday, September 25, 2013
Catching Giant Lake Trout on Lake Superior
When you see the giant lake trout that Grant Sorensen and James Holst have been catching on Lake Superior, that line from Jaws might enter your mind – “We need a bigger boat.” Read more here |
Wednesday, September 18, 2013
Landing the big one on Great Bear Lake
Mark Stricker says if he had pulled his line out of the water a few seconds earlier, he would have missed landing one of the biggest lake trout of his fishing career.
Click here |
Wednesday, September 4, 2013
Greenville angler tells his big trout tale
“My grandfather, Ed Roullard, used to take me ice fishing when I was a kid back in the early
70s. He had an airplane and we would fly to lakes and ponds. It was always a great adventure."
Click here |
Wednesday, August 28, 2013
Big start to trout season for Vt. fisherman
It might have been a cold start to the opening day of trout season this weekend, but at least one angler landed a big one. Read more here |
Thursday, August 8, 2013
Big Brown Excites TU TV Show
There's nothing Razorback about this fish story, other than the crew of the On the Rise television show hails from Montana
Click here |
Wednesday, August 14, 2013
28-Pound Rainbow Trout Won't Break Idaho State Record
A 28-pound, 9-ounce rainbow trout caught in Idaho—a fish that would crush the existing state record—will not qualify for the record books Read more here |
Thursday, August 8, 2013
Kiwi Angler’s 42 lb. Brown Trout is Official IGFA World Record
New Zealand angler Otwin Kandolf’s name has officially been entered into the International Game Fish Association’s (IGFA) record book.
Click here |
Wednesday, July 31, 2013
Trophy Brown Trout
This 15 and a half pound 33 inch Brown was taken on 6 lb test line in about a 45 minute fight Read more here |
Tuesday, July 23, 2013
Cooper smashes 20 year record at Rutland Water
Empingham angler Tom Cooper shattered a 20 year record at Rutland Water when he landed a monster brown trout at the reservoir.
Click here |
Wednesday, July 10, 2013
Local fisherman catches state record
While fishing stories often end up longer than the fish caught, Gerrardstown resident Tony Corbin has a true whopper to tell his friends. Read more here |
Tuesday, July 2, 2013
Big trout success story at Pyramid Lake, Nevada
Almost extinct strain of Lahontan Cutthroat Trout rebounds to grow 20 pound lunkers-
Click here |
Tuesday, June 25, 2013
Fisherman hopes big trout sets record
Charlie Lahey was fishing the Mira River Saturday evening when he caught a brown trout weighing 8.35 kilograms Read more here |
Tuesday, June 18, 2013
Big trout in upper beat West Ranga
We got a email from Peter Vikans who went to the upper trout beats at West Ranga last week
Click here |
Tuesday, June 11, 2013
Angler breaks state brook trout record fishing in Adirondack wilderness area
For the eighth time in nine years, the state fishing record for brook trout has been broken Read more here |
Tuesday, June 4, 2013
Big Fish: Rodent-Eating Trout
The water dimpled as trout sipped the profuse insect life from the surface. People like me used equally tiny artificial flies to try to mimic said insects, often an exercise in extreme frustration.
Click here |
Tuesday, May 28, 2013
Tuesday 7th May 2013 is an historic day for Loch Leven. Around 6pm, Alan Campbell from Kirkcaldy arrived back in the harbour proudly displaying the largest brown trout ever caught on Loch Leven. Read more here |
Tuesday, May 21, 2013
Low-level Edison Lake perfect for chance at German brown trout
The sun had yet to peek from behind the Mono Divide early Saturday morning when I parked my truck near the receding waters of Edison Lake. There was no one else around.
Click here |
Tuesday, May 14, 2013
Monster rainbow: Man caught, released possible state record fish
Franklin County resident Richard Galloway may have caught the Idaho state record rainbow trout, but he will never be the official record-holder. Read more here |
Monday, May 6, 2013
Fishing in Ireland
Colin Folan reports that the last 2 weeks have been very testing for anglers here, as the water levels dropped and the water temperature rose significantly
Click here |
Monday, April 29, 2013
Fall - a good time to catch big brown trout
When Shaun Putnam heads out on the opening day of the deer hunt every year, he packs a fishing pole along with his rifle. Read more here |
Monday, April 22, 2013
Big Brown Trout
Vo Lee — with the help of fellow lakefront regular Russell Smith — caught what might be the biggest brown trout taken from shore on the Chicago lakefront.
Click here |
Tuesday, April 16, 2013
Boy reels in ‘beast’ of a brown trout at EC Marina
Brown trout big enough to bust wooden net handles highlighted a wild Saturday around East Chicago Marina. Read more here |
Monday, April 8, 2013
Fishing Utah
Big fish stories on Powell and the Gorge coming - video of 30-pound lake trout release
Click here |
Monday, March 18, 2013
Big Trout on the Weber
If you want to get in on the action, Thompson provides the following tackle tips. He also provides information about river conditions... Read more here |
Tuesday, March 26, 2013
Huge fish caught in hydro canal
The Upper Waitaki hydro canals are yielding bigger and bigger trout, with a staggering 20.5-kilogram (45 pound) brown landed recently.
Click here |
Monday, March 18, 2013
Colorado's Big Tailwater Trout
Nothing like Spring in the Rockies with a little luck and landing my biggest Rainbow trout to date, ohh what a weekend! Read more here |
Monday, March 11, 2013
Catch trophy trout from the lake shore
Some of the best trout fishing in the Taupo and Rotorua districts can be had standing in ankle-deep water on the edge of a lake.
Click here |
Tuesday, March 5, 2013
Ice Fishing World Record: Angler Releases Huge Lake Trout in Canada
There wasn’t much of a bite going for avid angler Bruce Sederberg on January 16, 2013, but the last fish he hooked that day ended up being the world’s largest lake trout ever landed with a pole and line and released through the ice. Read the account here |
Monday, February 25, 2013
New Utah State Record Tiger Trout
Justin Hart is quite pleased, but not really surprised that Scofield Reservoir has produced yet another tiger trout record.
Click here |
Tuesday, February 19, 2013
Angler Weighs Potential Washington Record Trout on Hospital Scale
When Phil Colyar realized he had a potential state-record lake trout in his boat, the Wenatchee, WA angler knew exactly where to head: the hospital. Stat! Read the account here |
Friday, February 15, 2013
The Best Cast of My Life
Brown trout are my favorite especially big brown trout! They’re just plain bad!
Click here |
Tuesday, February 5, 2013
Lake Erie Brown Tops Record Books
The Ohio State Record for a brown trout was caught this past August. Read the account here |
Monday, January 28, 2013
Colorado Trophy Trout Pictures and Big Fish Photos
Check out this cool site with tons of trophy trout photos
Click here |
Monday, January 21, 2013
On the fly: A Fryingpan whopper
Back then I was still going through my progressions as a fly fisher and at that time, all I wanted to do was travel around the Rocky Mountain West and chase big trout. Read the rest |
Tuesday, January 15, 2013
Massive 20lb Brownie Banked
A fish thought to be the biggest grown-on brown trout ever landed in the UK has been caught from Chew Valley.
Click here |
Saturday, January 5, 2013
Owasco Lake Angler Lands Huge Brown Trout
Every once in a while a big fish creates a buzz.
That’s been the case for the past several weeks among Owasco Lake anglers concerning Gary Rule's catch. Read the rest |
Tuesday, December 25, 2012
White River Monster Brown Trout 32.65 lbs
Check out this cool YouTube video of the release of a 32 LB.+ hen brown from the White River......what a toad!
Click here |
Monday, December 17, 2012
The Last Cast
We all got up at 5 in the morning to head out fishing and were supprised to see 2? of snow on the ground. We thought about sleeping in but we went out anyway. Read the rest |
Tuesday, December 11, 2012
Browns At Dusk
I was trolling on Lake Erie at the mouth of a small tributary when this brown struck a Rapala right at dusk. It measured 26 inches,my biggest brown ever and the only fish of the night
Click here |
Monday, December 3, 2012
Big tiger trout abundant at Scofield Reservoir
Scofield Reservoir is always a great place to fish in late fall. But if anglers want to catch a big tiger trout, fishing might be better than ever this fall. Read the rest |
Monday, November 26, 2012
Big Brook Trout!
My brother-in-law, my nephew( this was his first canadian adventure) and I were on our annual trip to canada when we decided to go and explore some new fishing areas on Nipigon for big pike.
Click here |
Monday, November 19, 2012
Monster Catch Wins a Distant Admirer
Evan Johnson's been too busy working out of town to make many plans for the monster brown trout he landed last week. But he's got options. Read the rest |
Wednesday, October 31, 2012
Here is a good read about the then current World Record brown trout caught back in the early 90’s. Rip Collins was a member of the Brownbaggers before he passed away a few years after he caught the record.
Click here |
Thursday, October 25, 2012
Fisherman catches giant trout in County Galway
Welsh fisherman Ceri Jones caught the fish which weighed 25lb 2oz on Saturday on Lough Corrib. Read the rest |
Monday, October 15, 2012
Big Brown Territory
This is an old article from 2007 but an excellent read on big browns out of Twin Lakes in California. Click here |
Tuesday, October 2, 2012
Tactics For Tailwater Trout
When cold water rushes through the turbines of a dam, an incredible, albeit artificial, stream trout fishery can result. Read the rest |
Wednesday, September 26, 2012
World’s Largest Salmonid In Danger
An international research team of ecologists is spending the next five years studying the world’s largest freshwater salmonid, Hucho taimen Click here |
Monday, September 18, 2012
World’s Best Lake Trout Waters
The gray world awaits—a chiaroscuro of gunmetal skies, charcoal water, and dappled submarines. I’ve been fortunate enough to chase lake trout from the Yukon to Labrador and from Colorado to the Arctic Sea, always hunting for another shot at a 50 pounder. Read the rest |
Tuesday, September 11, 2012
The giant fish of Odell Lake
Read Gary Lewis’ recent article on the fishing this season up on Odell Lake. Click here |
Monday, September 3, 2012
Big Trout Eat Big Bait: Fishing for Trout on Lake Athabasca
When you’re looking to catch the biggest lake trout of your life, you need to think big water. What better place to chase a giant laker than the 7th largest lake in North America, Lake Athabasca? Read the rest |
Monday, August 27, 2012
Brook Trout of Our 2011 Season
‘We had a great season this past summer.’ -or- ‘Our 2011 fishing season was beautiful.’ -or perhaps- ‘One of the best, if not the best season ever.’ -well, maybe this- ‘The rivers were teeming with brook trout this summer past.’ Click here |
Monday, July 23, 2012
New Melones hosts trophy browns, abundant rainbows
New Melones Lake, nestled in the Mother Lode foothills on the Stanislaus River in Angels Camp, is one of the most productive trout and salmon fisheries in the state of California. Read the rest |
Wednesday, August 1, 2012
Brown Trout Are Being Planted In Lake Gregory To Control Crappie
German brown trout are being stocked at Gregory Lake in the San Bernardino Mountains this year as part of the lake’s regular trout planting program. Click here |
Monday, July 23, 2012
Potential new state record brown trout by the tiniest of weight
Ohio’s 17-year-old brown trout state record may have melted in the summer heat on Saturday, July 14. Read the rest |
Monday, July 16, 2012
Owasco Lake angler landed "huge" brown trout on Memorial Day
Every once in a while a big fish creates a buzz.
That’s been the case for the past several weeks among Owasco Lake anglers Click here |
Monday, July 9, 2012
Argentina Trout Fishing: Jurassic Lake River Camp
Jurassic Lake is a place where you can experience the sort of fishing that only your forefathers could have envisaged. With the exception of an impossibly remote farmhouse it is in an area almost totally devoid of human contact. Read the rest |
Monday, June 25, 2012
Monster brown trout lurk at Lemolo Lake
As Jake Riley slowly stripped his fly through the depths of Lemolo Lake, he suddenly felt a hefty jerk and knew instantly what was coming. Click here |
Monday, June 11, 2012
Angler Lands Record 50-Pound Lake Trout
During the 40 years Don Walker has fished at Blue Mesa Reservoir he's caught plenty of big lake trout, but none measured up to the one he caught on May 23. Read the rest |
Tuesday, June 5, 2012
Welsh Angler Catches Brown Trout of the Century
The Irish Specimen Fish Committee is currently examining potentially the largest trout caught in Ireland in 118 years. Ceri Jones, a Welsh angler boated the big brown trout after an epic hour-long battle. Click here |
Tuesday, May 29, 2012
How To Catch Lake Michigan Trophy Brown Trout
Most anglers get hung up on salmon fishing and ignore big Bulldog Brown Trout. Once you have an opportunity to hook up with a fish that is almost as big around as he is long you will be back for more. Read the rest |
Monday, May 21, 2012
A Record Setting Spring
Wyoming anglers broke four state records already this year. Click here |
Monday, May 14, 2012
This could be the year of the big trout in New Jersey
The Internet's been almost as full of big stream-trout photos as shots of successful spring turkey hunters, two Lake Ontario-sized lakers won last month's Round Valley Reservoir contest and spring trout season opened less than a month ago. Read the rest |
Monday, May 7, 2012
World's Largest Trout Thrives in Mongolia -- For Now
A ferocious and even cannibalistic predator, taimen can grow more than six feet (up to two meters) in length and can weigh up to 200 pounds. Click here |
Monday, April 30, 2012
Two monster browns hooked in Baileys Harbor tourney
In what has to be a record anywhere on the planet, not one but two world-class trout were reeled in on opening day of the Baileys Harbor Brown Trout Tournament. Read the rest |
Tuesday, April 17, 2012
Winter Shad Kills - A Trout Fishing Dream Come True
Every so often in Nature the right conditions come together producing some exciting event that supercedes the common. From these events come fantastic stories that one wants to believe, but will have a hard time doing so - until one actually witnesses the event. Click here |
Monday, April 9, 2012
Huge rainbow trout pigging out in Clearwater’s North Fork
There are some huge fish lurking in the North Fork Clearwater River below Dworshak Dam, and they aren’t steelhead or salmon. Read the rest |
Monday, April 2, 2012
The Catching of Big Otto
On July 26, 1999 Don Hoglund, President of Granite Audio, caught "Big Otto". At the time, Otto was the 1999 Arizona State Record German Brown Trout. Click here |
Monday, March 26, 2012
Blockbuster brown trout
On June 12, Kingston caught what appears to be the elusive, monster brown trout that has been the talk of many area anglers in recent years. Read the rest |
Monday, March 5, 2012
New Melones hosts trophy browns, abundant rainbows
New Melones Lake, nestled in the Mother Lode foothills on the Stanislaus River in Angels Camp, is one of the most productive trout and salmon fisheries in the state of California. Click here |
Friday, February 24, 2012
New Utah tiger trout record confirmed by fisheries officials - over 15 pounds
Fisheries staff from the Utah Division of Wildlife Resources are reporting a new state record tiger trout that was landed by Trent Perry of Santaquin. Read the rest |
Friday, January 21, 2012
Lakers, Browns, and Open Water, Oh my!
With 22deg early morning temperatures we arrived at the launch to find that there was no ice to be seen except for the ice near the water on the ramp. Click here |
Friday, December 23, 2011
Harboring a fishing secret
Lake Michigan rolls to the horizon like a sheet of lumpy, cold steel. The "Big Pond" demands respect in all seasons. Read the rest |
Friday, December 16, 2011
State Trout Records
Our friends over at Landbigfish have a table of records by each state. Check out the trout records for your state to see what you have to catch to establish a record. Click here |
Friday, December 2, 2011
Anglers flock to Lake Taneycomo each fall for chance at record fish
In Southwest Missouri lake country, fall is all about crisp mornings, rolling fog … and big brown trout. Under Table Rock Lake dam in the shallow tailwaters of Lake Taneycomo, anglers fish for enjoyment, relaxation and the hope of catching a record. Read the rest |
Friday, October 21, 2011
Tiger trout destined for Phillips Reservoir
A red-letter moment in Eastern Oregon outdoor history is fast approaching. Three thousand six-inch tiger trout will be introduced into Phillips Reservoir, 20 miles southwest of Baker City, in late September. This will mark the first time tiger trout have been released in the region. Read the rest |
Monday, October 3, 2011
Behemoth Browns of Fall
Targeting these trophy trout takes a different mindset than the norm. This is the time of year to forgo the ultra-light spinning gear and wispy fly rods and, instead, cast large lures and flies. Read the rest |
Thursday, August 18, 2011
Record Brook Trout Caught in New York
Dan Germain reeled in the record-breaking fish on June 15 while fishing at South Lake in Herkimer County in the southwest corner of the Adirondack Park Read the rest |
Wednesday, August 31, 2011
Holden Man Lands Hefty Lake Trout
Ryan Costain wasn’t really ready to catch the lake trout of a lifetime on Saturday afternoon, when he and his girlfriend decided to spend a couple of hours on Phillips Lake in Dedham. Read the rest |
Thursday, August 18, 2011
Tiger trout destined for Phillips Reservoir
Three thousand six-inch tiger trout will be introduced into Phillips Reservoir, 20 miles southwest of Baker City, in late September. This will mark the first time tiger trout have been released in the region. Read the rest |
Wednesday, July 13, 2011
Striper angler Urbanowicz finds joy in record trout catch
When Tony Urbanowicz saw his fish roll about 100 yards out on the Saugatuck Reservoir, he knew he had something really big. By then, he had battled the fish for nearly a half an hour. Read the rest |
Wednesday, July 6, 2011
Lake record brown caught at New Melones
Garrett Anderson of Sonora was bank fishing upriver with a brown-trout patterned Rapala CD-7, and landed a 13-pound, 3-ounce brown. Read the rest |
Wednesday, May 25, 2011
Alaska's largest lake trout, and the world's biggest steelhead
This lake trout was bigger than most king salmon. Alaska had never seen anything like it. It still hasn't. Read more |
Wednesday, May 18, 2011
’Tis the season for brown trout
Would you believe a 27.5LB Brown caught from shore? Near Chicago, Lake Michigan. Wow. Read the rest |
Wednesday, May 4, 2011
Kamloops Trout
Is there really a "Kamloops Trout"? A trout that is distinct and different from other Rainbow Trout? Surprisingly the answer is both yes and no. Read more |
Wednesday, April 27, 2011
Washington's Triploid & Trophy Trout Spring 2011 Report
It was a good trout morning: idyllic, enjoyable but entirely forgettable fishing, until the interruption -- a strike so hard, fast and powerful that it was more detonation than bite... Read the rest |
Wednesday, April 20, 2011
Huge Corrib Ferox Trout
Massive Ferox trout to Polish angler fishing Ireland's Lough Corrib. Read more |
Wednesday, March 30, 2011
Bull Trout News
Review of some recent, and not so recent, bull trout happenings... Read the rest |
Monday, March 7, 2011
Lake Taneycomo produces new 2 pound test line World Record!
Wright's trophy brown was certainly newsworthy, but not a total surprise. Big, brown trout lurk in this narrow lake that is chilled from waters off the bottom of Table Rock Lake.. Read more |
Sunday, Febuary 27, 2011
Tiger trout to prowl Phillips Reservoir
Tigers will be introduced to Northeast Oregon later this year, but no protests from ranchers or hunters will be staged... Read the rest |
Monday, February 7, 2011
Wallowa Lake Kokanee
Wallowa Lake's kokanee produced several world records last season. Biological findings show that it might again... Read more |
Saturday, January 22, 2011
Big Tahoe Lake Trout
Mark Wiza, an outdoor writer and fishing guide in South Lake Tahoe, caught this 21-pound Mackinaw on Lake Tahoe on Jan. 2. Wiza caught the big Mac south of Sand Harbor, trolling a six-inch rainbow trout pattern Lyman lure... Read the rest... |
Saturday, November 13, 2010
More Record Breaking News!
IGFA has officially approved both all-tackle and line-class records for Roger Hellen. Hellen's trout now clinches one world record and shares another.. Read more |
Monday, October 11, 2010
8yr old girl lands 7.5lb Brown Trout
New Zealand is a trout fisherman's paradise, and one young angler hauled in a brownie any angler would covet to catch... Read the rest... |
Monday, September 6, 2010
Chicago Fishing: Monster Brown Trout
Yet another monster brown trout has come from Lake Michigan, this time on a boat out of Chicago... Check out the report. |
Sunday, August 29, 2010
White River trout fishing during winter shad kills produces big trout!
Big trout do things they don't any other time of year, or in any other condition. It is not unusual for the big browns to porpoise out of the water coming... Read the article... |
Monday, August 16, 2010
It's official!
Roger Hellen officially has his name attached to a world record... Check out the report. |
Thursday, July 22, 2010
Potential new Brown Trout World Record!
Fishing the waters off Racine Friday morning, Roger Hellen of Franksville landed a 41.5-pound brown trout. The fish is more than a whopper - it's a potential world record... Read the rest... |
Friday, July 2, 2010
July Fishing Report
Congratulations to my Grandson, Alec, on his biggest brown to date. We released this nice 8 LB. hookjaw right after this photo... Check out the report.
Monday, June 21, 2010
A new South Dakota brook trout record
Whatever he is doing out on the water, Dennis LaRive should keep it up. LaRive broke the previous state record by almost a pound... Read the rest... |
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
World Record Kokanee from Wallowa Lake!
A story began circulating a couple of decades ago that Wallowa Lake was inhabited by a monster. It was all tongue in cheek, of course, but the gem-like northeastern Oregon lake now has lots of monsters called kokanee... Read more |
Monday, June 21, 2010
A new South Dakota brook trout record
Whatever he is doing out on the water, Dennis LaRive should keep it up. LaRive broke the previous state record by almost a pound... Read the rest... |
Saturday, May 22, 2010
Another Record-Size Kokanee from Wallowa Lake
Six weeks after Wan Teece of Enterprise broke the Oregon state record for kokanee with a mammoth catch at Wallowa Lake - the sixth time since 1999 an angler pulled a fish of unprecedented size and weight from the lake - Bob Both of Lostine took his turn at the top... Read more |
Sunday, May 16, 2010
Volcano Ash Leads to Giant Brown Trout
Here's one good thing to come out of the recent troubles with that volcano in Iceland: the biggest brown trout in Ireland in over a century... Read the rest...
Friday, April 30th, 2010
Fish of the week
Oregon's state record for lake trout already is over 40 pounds, but an even bigger mackinaw may very well be swimming in Odell, Crescent or another deep mountain lake... Read more |
Monday, April 12, 2010
New World Record Salmon?
Ken May of Williamsburg, Michigan, reeled in a 29-pound 11-ounce fish from Torch Lake in Northern Michigan. When he first caught the fish, he thought he had landed the new all-tackle world record for landlocked Atlantic salmon. There was just one problem... Read the rest... |
Wednesday, March 24th, 2010
Fish of the week
Scott Garrison's catch almost topples the Indiana state brown trout record... Read more |
Thursday, March 18, 2010
It's in the books!
Tom Healy's new World Record brown trout is official! Congratulations Tom! To read about the whole story on his amazing "catch of a lifetime"! check it out... |
Monday, March 8th, 2010
Pennsylvania Hotspots for Trophy Browns
If you're looking for a real angling challenge this season, consider breaking Pennsylvania's brown trout record... Read more |
Friday, February 5, 2010
Local guide catches 10 Lb. brook trout
Osprey Lake produces trophy trout... A legitimate shot at 5-10 LB. brook trout if you can make it to Labrador. check out the article... |
Friday, January 22nd, 2010
New Brook Trout Record for State of Maine!
The 8 pound, 8 ounce Brook Trout record that stood for 30 years is finally broken. A Waterboro man took it down on Jan. 8, 2010. |
Monday, December 21, 2009
More Haataja love...
If you haven't heard of Eric Haataja yet then you haven't been paying close enough attention to the great lakes trophy brown trout scene. This guide puts more giant browns in the boat than perhaps any in the nation. Multiple 10 pound fish in a day is the norm for him. Anyhow, it looks like he took Mike Iaconelli out and put him into a slew of nice fish recently... check out the article... |
Sunday, December 6th, 2009
New World Record Brown Trout is "officially certified" by IGFA
Well, the 41.45-pound brown trout caught in Michigan's Manistee River in September has been certified by the International Game Fish Association as a world record. Hopefully we can get all of the exact details about which line class it ended up in, etc. |
Monday, November 23, 2009
New state record brown trout...
I can think back and recall several huge brown trout that were "flukes". Power bait, kids casting from shore, fishing for kokanee and hooking a giant, first time anglers getting a 20 pounder, etc. Check out this beautiful hen caught in Missouri... |
Sunday, November 8th, 2009
Largest lake trout ever?
This fish was caught in the 60s but I never get tired of looking at it. What a beast! |
Saturday, October 31, 2009
New strain of trout for great lakes region...
Interesting read about DNR looking for a new strain of brown trout to replace the seeforellen. Guess I better stick a big seeforellen before they disappear! |
Monday, September 28th, 2009
More White River goodness.
I will never get tired of reading about the White River. Perhaps your best shot at a 10 pound resident river brown in the nation, this fast flowing river is all about flow. Here is a little picture and caption talking about it... |
Monday, September 21, 2009
Two all tackle world record trout landed ...
Most of you have already heard about the giant rainbow and brown recently landed. You remember Adam Konrad landed the world record rainbow trout of 43.6 pounds two years ago. Well, his twin brother Sean landed a GIANT 48 pound rainbow this past week. Check out the pictures in our photo gallery. Incredibly, a potential world record brown trout was landed just a few days later. Google away for all of the details... |
Saturday, August 29th, 2009
New Idaho state record rainbow?
How is this a new state record when Pend Oreille has pumped out literally hundreds of 20 pound plus fish over the years? Confused... |
Sunday, August 2, 2009
Huge CA brown trout landed...
You just never know what is lurking down in the depths. Check out this story (bottom of page) of an unknowing kokanee angler who latched onto a fish of a lifetime at a local lake. Cool story! |
Sunday, July 19th, 2009
More trout records...
Here is a link to a post that talks about some old trout records that were broken. I think I have said this before and will say it again... it is amazing with all of the pressure and changing regulations that records are still falling the way they are. It is a good thing! |
Sunday, June 14, 2009
More New Jersey trophy trout...
When I think of New Jersey, big trout isn't the first thing that comes to mind. But, apparently there are some nice fish to be caught. That is the beauty of trophy trout fishing... there are fish all over the place if you look hard enough. |
Wednesday, May 27th, 2009
17 years ago the largest documented brown was landed...
I traveled thousands of miles to see the spot that Rip landed his big brown. Even though we saw browns over 10 pounds swimming in the white river and hooked several nice browns to 7 pounds, the highlight of my trip was making a cast to the exact spot that Rip hooked his fish. It is hard to believe it has been 17 years... |
Thursday, May 14, 2009
Flaming Gorge Mackinaw...
The Flaming Gorge was once the premiere trophy brown trout fishery in the nation... perhaps the world. Now, it is one of the best locations to try for that 40 pound mackinaw in the lower 48 states. Here is a quickie on how to target the big boys.... |
Thursday, April 23, 2009
Get ready for the trout openers...
I used to really look forward to the big trout openers. I remember how big of a deal they were when I was younger. Now, I actually try to avoid lakes that are opening, instead waiting until 4 or 5 days after the opener to head to those lakes. The crowds get to me. I try my best to avoid them at all costs. That being said, thousands of CA and OR anglers are gearing up this minute for the big opener. Hundreds of big trout that haven't seen any lures for many months are starting to get hungry. So let's go get em! |
Sunday, April 12, 2009
More on Colorado...
The more I read about Colorado, the more I want to head over there and try to stick some big trout. Here is an article about some of the rivers that I look forward to fishing some day. |
Sunday, March 29, 2009
What do you call a large trout??
One of these days we will have an article up titled "What Makes a Trophy Trout". We all go through this journey in different ways, at different times and with different expectations. I remember catching a "trophy" trout when I was a kid that was 16" long out of a tiny trickle of a stream. At the time this fish was HUGE. If you go to Lake Diefenbaker up in Canada it takes a 30 pound plus rainbow to get anyone excited. An 18" fish out of many hike in lakes is a true giant. That is the beauty of this game... the size of the fish is relative to the body of water and your personal goals. Here is a picture of a fish that gets called a trophy anywhere! |
Sunday, February 17, 2009
Cool video...
Thanks to Mark O. for this link...super cool video. It is amazing to think that every year, many of the trophies we target head up tiny tributaries to do their thing. Bull trout are particularly interesting because they prefer to spawn in tiny tributaries...sometimes less than a few feet deep! |
Thursday, January 29, 2009
Largest brown trout ever caught on the fly??
This is one pig of a brown trout! What is really cool is to see how quickly these fish can grow in salt water versus fresh water. Anyhow, check it out... |
Monday, December 17, 2008
North Delaney Butte Lake...
Another lake to add to your list of hot spots in Colorado... I need to head this way next spring! |
Friday, December 5, 2008
More Trout Eye Candy...
This is one cool looking rainbow trout! I didn't even know that Georgia had fish like this. |
Monday, November 17, 2008
Huge Montana River Brownie...
Every once in a while as I am scouring the web for TTG news items I run across a real gem. This is a perfect example. To pull a fish like this out of a heavily pressured river on the fly.... SICK! |
Friday, October 25, 2008
Top Trophy Trout Waters...
There are soooo many great places to catch big trout. Just reading down through this list makes me start dreaming about future trips. Omak and its giant cutthroat, Hebgen and its gulper brownies, Upper Klamath rainbows chasing tuis in the fall, the list goes on and on. |
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Patience the key to Lake Tahoe trout...
Lake Tahoe is one of my favorite trophy trout lakes. Its beauty transcends the fishing... and the fishing often doesn't disappoint. This is a VERY general article...but it got me thinking about Tahoe at least...time for another trip... |
Friday, October 17, 2008
Colorado trophy trout
Colorado has so many opportunities available to pursue that trout of a lifetime. Here is a list of the "gold medal waters", which are waters designated by the Colorado Division of Wildlife as locations that offer anglers a good shot at a big fish. There are many locations which are not listed as gold medal locations that you can find giants in, but this list offers you a quick starting point to get out there and start looking. |
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Bull trout migrations on the Clark Fork...
This is an interesting article about how resilient bull trout can be. It also gives you a bit of a feel for how some of the biology goes down when it comes to tracking adfluvial species like the bull trout. |
Monday, September 22, 2008
Fall trophy trout fishing...
Here is a good lil article about two trophy trout lakes with different species in them. Hey, I think I know that expert talking about East Lake! =) |
Saturday, September 6, 2008
Caples Lake fish rescue...
TTG friend Mark Wiza gave me a call the other day to tell me about his experience helping California Fish and Game capture fish from Caples Lake. Much of his time was spent on one of the electrofishing boats. Another group had managed to capture a GIANT 18.5 pound brown trout in a small mesh gill net. It reminded just never know what lurks in some of these lakes. Caples gets a LOT of pressure throughout the season due to its proximity to Tahoe and it always amazes me to think that a 7-10 year old fish like that could survive all of those seasons without getting slapped onto someone's BBQ. Here is an article talking a little about what went down... |
Wednesday, August 3, 2008
New Zealand dreaming...
Team TTG is tentatively setting up a spring 2009 shoot for Monster Trout #5. We will focus on the Taupo and Rotorua regions of the North Island. These fish have never seen our west coast techniques and there are several lakes that I cannot wait to pound. In the meantime, check out this site which focuses on the Taupo area...
Sunday, August 31, 2008
Metolius River...
I remember reading about the Metolius River up in Oregon when I lived near Eugene. I fished it a few times for some rainbows before I decided to dedicate one whole day targeting the big bull trout that lurked in the deep holes throughout the system. I pulled out some of my big saltwater swimbaits (this was in the early 90s, before the detailed swimbaits of today) and dredged the deep holes downstream of the special regulation waters. I finally managed to hook one of the beasts in a particularly juicy looking spot. This river also has some HUGE rainbows that are very difficult to catch. Here is a brief article talking about the river... |
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
Remove trout to help frogs...
Thursday, August 14, 2008
Clarity of Lake Tahoe...
In the last 40 years the clarity in Lake Tahoe has gone from an amazing 100 feet to 70 feet. I can tell you personally that it is pretty crazy to be able to watch large trout swim below you as you troll the lake edges. Here is a brief article talking about the impacts over the last few years... |
Friday, August 8, 2008
What is electroshocking and how is it used in relation to trout?
I will never forget an electroshocking survey that I did on a tributary of the Deschutes river a few years back. I couldn't believe the size of browns that were coming from this small stream. But, I also couldn't believe how many fish my partner was injuring during the process. Electroshocking is a controversial sampling technique that, if not done properly, can hurt or kill the sampled fish. I personally wish that electroshocking would be a last resort and other methods were pushed more aggressively. Anyhow, here is an article about how it goes down... |
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
Fun article about chasing trophies...
Well most of this article is the author tooting his own horn, it is a fun read and will keep you thinking about your next goal or trip. We all go through different phases of our trophy trout life and reap different rewards. Some of us are in it for the glory, some for the relationships, some for the interaction with God and nature and some for the allure for big fish. It is a winding journey, full of pitfalls and challenges. But, there is good that can be made from this as well... |
Tuesday, July 1, 2008
New Tahoe Lake Record Brown Trout Landed!
TTG guide partner Mike Nielson just put his client Dan Hananouchi onto a HUGE 15.2 pound brown trout. This is the largest documented brown trout out of Lake Tahoe and will qualify as the new lake record. Here is an article with the details... Congrats Mike and Dan!! |
Monday, June 30, 2008
Flooded White River brings in some exotic fish...
White bass and walleye are swimming with the monster browns of the white river. Even monster stripers to 20 pounds were shocked up recently. Hopefully this will only be a short term issue... |
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
Record tiger trout landed in Washington
Dang...this is crazy. The state record tiger trout was 6.26 pounds...until a 13.75 pounder was landed recently! This is a pretty cool story...check it out... |
Tuesday, June 3, 2008
40 year old brook trout record smashed!
Check out this little story about a 10 pound plus brook trout landed in MA. The old record was over 6 the new fish was over 4 pounds heavier. That is an amazing feat considering all of the brook trout anglers in MA. Wow... |
Friday, May 30, 2008
Article on trophy trout in Oregon...
Oregon has some of the best trophy trout waters in the nation. Here is a little article about a trip taken by former Oregon brown trout record holder Guy Carl. He heads to Klamath, Wickiup, East and Paulina...check it out. |
Sunday, May 25, 2008
See some of the largest rainbows on earth...
For those of you who haven't had the privilege of watching large trout is truly an amazing site. I have personally spent many hours studying them while doing spawning surveys for the Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife. It is raw nature at its wildest. Here is an article talking about the gerrards of the Arrow Lake region. Apparently there are viewing platforms that allow folks to observe these magnificent creatures while they spawn. If I am ever up in this area during the spring...this is something that I would love to see. |
Thursday, May 22, 2008
Flaming gorge 40 pound lake trout...
A 40 pound lake trout landed in US waters is the epoch of a mainland lake trout angler's goals. I never get tired of looking at fish like this... |
Thursday, May 15, 2008
Why triploids are the future of trophy trout...
As a fish biology major and Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife employee for four years, I understand the complexities of stocking hatchery fish in bodies of water where wild populations exist. Triploidy solves much of this dilemma. You simply do not want a hatchery fish that attempts to spawn with the naturally reproducing populations. If you have a fish that doesn't spawn and continues to grow throughout the year...this is the "perfect" hatchery fish! I am glad to see states like Utah, Idaho and Oregon continue to implement triploid trout programs. Folks have a tendency to fear the term "triploid", but much of that fear is based on a lack of knowledge regarding exactly what triploidy is. Here is a brief article that covers the basics... |
Friday, May 9, 2008
*** UPDATE, new link with pics - 15 pound river brown caught...
We all know how difficult it is to catch a brown over 10 pounds. Add moving water and it makes it 20x more difficult. Apparently a 15 pound brown was caught out of the Truckee River in CA. There isn't a picture to confirm the report...which is unfortunate. I live in the "see" generation... here is the pic! |
Thursday, May 8, 2008
Spinney puts out nice cutbow for the opener!
A 9.5 pound cutbow was landed by a Colorado angler at the Spinney opener. Spinney continues to produce some of the largest cutbows in the nation... |
Wednesday, April 30, 2008
Lake Ontario Brown Trout...
Lake Ontario browns grow fast. Sometimes called "football" browns, many of the seeforellen strain brown trout of Lake Ontario take on amazing length to girth proportions. Here is an article about chasing these fat fish... |
Sunday, April 20, 2008
Monster Trout Derby!
TTG has a monster trout derby in the works for the future. In the mean time, check out this one in PA. Sounds like fun =) |
Thursday, April 17, 2008
BIG brook trout...
Most of us will have that "once in a lifetime" moment where we hook that fish we have been after for many years. This is a neat little story of one man's journey and reward of that perfect catch... |
Friday, April 4, 2008
More Cumberland goodness...
Team TTG will make it to the Cumberland some day...maybe a White River/Cumberland combo trip. Both rivers offer the legitimate shot at a lifetime moving water brown...something that is on my list of must haves for the wall. Check out another article on the Cumberland... |
Wednesday, April 2, 2008
Team USA takes 8th in the world fly fishing championships...
Well, we got beat. You can check out the results here... But, the good news is...we ended up ahead of a lot of other countries with much more international experience. |
Tuesday, March 25, 2008
Great Bear lake macks...DANG!
What You know you have a big mack to the boat when you have to bear hug it for your picture. Macks can live to ridiculously old ages...and some of the leviathans of Great Bear might be over 50 years old! Here is an article talking about the largest mack ever landed on rod and reel...taping out to 72 pounds! |
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
More White River goodness...
Yes, the White River in Arkansas is the premiere, moving water, big brown fishery in the nation. Here are a couple more articles about the infamous "shad kill" and a 10 pound plus brown coming to the net. Dang...I think team TTG needs to head east to sample some of these toads! |
Saturday, March 15, 2008
Possible line class, catch and release fly fishing record brown trout caught...
What a killer looking hookjaw...and on four pound class tippet none the less! |
Thursday, March 13, 2008
Oregon fly fishing guide chosen as American team captain in upcoming competition...
Anytime you are talking about New Zealand trout...there is the potential for a 10 pound fish. This year's World Fly Fishing Championships are going to be held in New Zealand...and there WILL be some big fish landed. The captain of the team is Scott Robertson, a Bend Oregon guide and friend of TTG. Good luck guys! |
Friday, March 7, 2008
Trophy trout of.... New Jersey??
New Jersey isn't a location that we usually talk about here at TTG. But, after reading this article, I was reminded that each state in our nation has little pockets of "trophy trout" waters. Remember, the word "trophy" is entirely subjective and depends on many factors including, but not limited to, location and where you are at as a trophy trout angler. We all have stories of when we were kids and caught that "trophy" 14 inch native rainbow out of that stream you had fished on your family vacations. A "trophy" mackinaw in California is anything over 20 pounds, while a "trophy" mackinaw out of Great Slave might be 50 pounds. Thoughts to ponder... |
Monday, March 3, 2008
More you tube vids...
The Cumberland is one of those rivers that you don't hear too much about...but it has some big browns. This video doesn't feature big browns...but does give you a little feel for what the river looks like... |
Thursday, February 28, 2008
Speaking of trout through the ice...
One of the things I kinda get a kick out of is reading the comments on you tube videos. Many times, the "discussions" that occur are more entertaining that the video itself. Here is a video of some guys catching nice brook trout through the ice. It looks like they have a killer spot with some nice fish coming through the hole. Of course somebody has to try and ruin it for them by posting some comments about how they are fish killers, etc. We support CPR at TTG but are not going to pooh pooh some guys for keeping a few fish for the table... |
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
Catch trout through the floor of your ice hotel room???
I had to put this up. Sounds like my kind of vacation...kind of. Might be a little chilly sleeping though! Anyhow, check this out... |
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
Past records can help pinpoint big fish locations...
The internet is a very powerful tool. I call it the encyclopedia of everything. It has changed the face of fishing forever in many ways...some good and some bad. One of the good ways that is has changed things is the availability of record fish locations. This can be VERY valuable info. Here is a little article talking about all of this... |
Wednesday, January 23, 2008
Six new trout records broken in 2007!
It is always good when old records are being broken. That means that some of our management policies are working, and there are still big fish around! Last year there were six different trout records that were broken in the US. Here is a link to the details... |
Wednesday, January 16, 2008
Big Rainbow from Idaho...
I don't know how many times I have heard this story... Guy catches big trout, guy thinks hmmmmmm...dinner, guy cleans fish and takes it home, guy hears from buddy that he might have landed some kind of record fish, guy feels stupid. Here is another one of these stories...this time a toad rainbow from Idaho... **This is NOT a record for Idaho...Pend Oreille has kicked out many larger fish than this** |
Monday, December 31, 2007
Bunch of good reads ...
I initially found this article about Pass Lake rainbow fishing. Then I happened to find this whole batch of articles... Some good stuff in here! |
Monday, December 24, 2007
Trophy trout on ice!
I am personally not a huge fan of ice fishing because the fish are usually pretty lethargic with the brutally cold water. But, some giants are pulled through the ice every year. Antero reservoir in Colorado has been pumping out some HUGE cuttbows of late. Here is an article with a picture of a nice 13 pound hybrid. Here is another article on Antero that talks about some ridiculous growth rates...crazy! |
Friday, December 7, 2007
Diamond Lake back on track for giants...
Diamond lake in Oregon used to produce some of the largest rainbows on the west coast. After a MAJOR tui chub invasion, the rainbow population took a nose dive. Check out this article to see what may lay ahead for Diamond Lake... |
Sunday, November 25, 2007
More Henry's Lake info...with a video clip =)
This lake is one that I have dreamed of fishing for many years. I haven't made it there yet....but will in the upcoming years. This lake is your best shot at a 10 pound plus cuttbow. These fish are beautiful, and grow rapidly in this extremely eutrophic body of water. Here, fish put on pounds, not inches, every year. Check out this great little article and video clip talking about the lake. |
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
Big brown landed in England...
I just thought you guys would like to see the picture of this fish. This thing is such a short fish for its weight! I love the broad tail on this fish as well. Check it out here... |
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
2nd Largest west coast brown of all time landed!
A new Idaho state record brown trout was landed last week. The beast weighed an incredible 27.3 pounds!!! As far as we know...this is the second largest brown ever landed on the west coast (excluding gorge fish). What is really amazing is that the guy reportedly landed the fish on 6 pound test...from shore! You can read more details here... |
Saturday, November 3, 2007
Oregon angler lands big brown trout...
Our friends over at Trophy Trout Hunter are hot! Angler Dan McAllister landed another big hookjaw brown, this one at just over 10 pounds. The unique thing about this fish was that he caught it on FOUR pound test! Read the full story and check out more pics over at their website. |
Thursday, October 18, 2007
Lake Davis, California poisoned...for the second time...
In some areas of the world pike are considered the ultimate fish to catch. At Lake Davis they are a scourge. Typical story...bucket bio puts pike in the lake thinking he would create a cool fishery, but instead ends up costing taxpayers millions of dollars and hurting the local economy.
Well, they tried it once before without success...but are going to poison the lake again for the second time. This lake does have the potential to produce a very nice rainbow fishery if the lake could stabilize for a reasonable amount of time.
Anyhow, here is the story of the second poisoning, beginning, middle and end. IMHO the pike will be back =( |
Monday, October 22, 2007
New Zealand trout going off!
Dang I want to fish New Zealand! Big browns, monster rainbows...many in the 5 to 10 pound range. An 18 pound brown was landed opening day over there... with loads of other big fish. Here is a short story talking about some of the north island lakes that are producing... got to get me some! |
Thursday, October 18, 2007
Big California Golden Trout...
Golden trout are the most beautiful of all trout IMHO. Their beauty is really hard to put into words. My largest golden is in the 18" range...but I have seen larger. If you are after that elusive 20" golden...then you need to head to the Cottonwood Lakes in California. Although this article is very me when I say that there are 20" goldens in some of the Cottonwoods. |
Friday, October 5, 2007
40 pound lake trout landed from shore!
This is a neat story of a guy who landed a 40 pound lake trout...casting from shore! I remember hearing of a 20 pound brown caught from a youngster casting from shore at Paulina up in Oregon. Cool stuff! |
Thursday, October 4, 2007
Lower Sacramento River rainbows...
One of the few times I have ever been spooled in fresh water was on a Sacramento River rainbow (Don't ask me about the estimated 200 pound big eye tuna that spooled me on 30 pound after a brutal, multiple hour battle). Granted, I had lost probably half a spool of my Maxima ultra-green 4 pound to a tangle earlier in the day and had been too lazy to re-spool. But, the estimated 7 pound native bow still took over 150 feet of line in one sizzling run and busted the spool knot on my ultralight spinning setup like it was thread.
If you ever get a chance to fish either the upper or lower should. They are totally different in much of the angling strategies, but share one thing in common...big, beautiful, native rainbows! The "Sac" needs to be on everyone's short list of "Trophy rainbow rivers that I fish before I die". Here is a short article that talks a little about the lower Sac fishery... |
Saturday, September 29, 2007
Fall = spawning brown trout...
Yes, it is that time again. The leaves are turning colors...yadda, yadda. Even though fall can be a tough time for lake browns, in many different areas this is the time to head for the tribs that these fish will be moving through. Here is a little blurb on where you might go in Colorado to chase some autumn brownies... |
Wednesday, September 26, 2007
Former trophy trout fishery taken over by bass...
I will never forget that day 9 years ago. It was one of the best fishing days of my life. My buddy Derek and I were fishing Davis Lake in Oregon and the big bows were pushing tui chub into the shallows and fish were busting everywhere. We had tied up some tui chub patterns the night before...and they were working well. The Klamath lake strain rainbows had adapted well to the lake and were growing to ridiculous sizes in a very short time. We had seen pictures of a 20 pound fish landed that spring and I had personally netted a 12 pound fish for Derek earlier in the season. That crazy day in 1998 I landed three fish in the 7-9 pound range and broke 2 more off on hard strikes. What a fishery.... it used to be... |
Monday, September 17, 2007
Regulation changes are official at Pyramid...
Ok, some of these changes make sense...and some don't. At least they didn't outlaw downriggers! I think the March 15 to May 16 closure from Sutcliffe to the south nets is a HUGE mistake. That is going to cost the tribe a lot of revenue...and for what? Anyhow, we will see how things play out... |
Friday, September 7, 2007
Oregon 12 pound plus brown trout...
Here is a neat story of one angler's 12 pound plus Oregon brown trout. It is the largest caught out of East Lake this year. The guys over at Trophy Trout Hunter are a great group of younger anglers and we expect to hear of lots more big browns coming from their camp down the road!
Friday, August 31, 2007
Big brook trout at Igloo Lake...
Here is a great 2 part article on big brook trout at Igloo Lake. Most of us dream of a giant brook trout, so big that it won't fit into our net! |
Thursday, August 23, 2007
More Osprey fodder...
Ever since Bernie Taylor's book came out a while back, I have been dreaming of a 10 pound brook trout from Osprey Lake. Here is a cool story of someone that actually pulled a 10 out! |
Tuesday, August 21, 2007
Would you relocate to a new area just for the fishing??? You bet!
I have been planning on purchasing a "fishing cabin" up in Oregon for many years. This would be a vacation spot for my family to escape from our "trout lacking" digs on the central coast of California. A true junky would relocate to an area JUST for the fishing. I have heard stories from some of the diehard "BrownBagger" trout club members of total family relocations just to get closer to a brown trout bite. Here is an article on a lake trout destination that some people found good enough to move near. |
Thursday, August 16, 2007
More Pyramid cutthroat stuff...
Every trophy trout nut should get to Pyramid lake a couple of times in their lifetime for a shot at a 10 pound lahontan. In March and April they exhibit some beautiful spawning colors. Action can be fast and furious, doubles are pretty common at this lake. Here is another article on this unique fishery... |
Wednesday, August 1, 2007
Fun lil article on mixing it up for browns...
Casting for browns is almost a lost art for many trophy brown trout anglers. Don't be afraid to set up a wind drift along a shore line and fish stick baits just like you would for bass. Watch Mike Iaconelli next time he is fishing crank baits for ideas on how to work your lure. Here is a quick read on mixing it up for browns... |
Sunday, July 22, 2007
One of those unique trophy trout opportunities...
Every once in a while something special happens that, if possible, you should do anything in your power to get a shot at. In California this year, the East Walker river opened early for the first time in many many years. Those in the know spanked lots of big browns and was epic. I heard about another one of those cool situations in Colorado. Antero Reservoir, which has been closed for the last 5 years, just reopened. ...and guess what happened? Yes, a PIG was landed...check this pic out! |
Monday, July 9, 2007
Great lakes browny tips...
I never get tired of looking at these fat Great Lake brown trout. This is a place that we all dream about fishing one hopes of that elusive 20 pounder. Here is a little article with some tips on sticking a pig in spring! |
Tuesday, July 3, 2007
Big browns lurk at Twin Lakes in California ...
The twin lakes near Bridgeport have produced some of the largest browns in California over the years. Here is a cool article that talks about some toads pulled out of there in recent years. Add to this list a 14 pounder caught by Allan Cole this year and you can see why so many people make the trek to pound the famed lakes for that shot at a 20 pounder. |
Saturday, June 30, 2007
More big trout from England...
Here is a hot brown report from our friend Steve Yeomans over at Midlands Flyfishing:
Our spring fishing here has been fantastic. The brown trout fishing has never been better, with clients landing several fish of 6-8lbs all on small nymphs. The picture attached is Vic Burford (on the left) and me with his 8lb brownie, caught using a tiny midge pattern, having watched the fish cruising and feeding in the margins. Vic also had a 7lb fish on the same day!
Best Regards Steve Yeomans!! |
Friday, June 22, 2007
Just to show how lucky we are...
Sometimes I think we get a bit jaded. Even with everything we have done to hurt fisheries over the years...we still have phenomenal fishing here in the US and Canada. In this article, a 10 pound plus brown is hailed as the largest brown ever taken from a particular loch in Europe. A 10 pounder would hardly raise an eyebrow in many western trophy brown lakes... |
Wednesday, June 6, 2007
New WORLD RECORD rainbow trout landed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
TTG has obtained EXCLUSIVE photos of the new WORLD RECORD rainbow trout! We are breaking the news to the world. Canadian Adam Konrad landed this monster 43.6 pound rainbow trout out of Lake Diefenbaker on 6/6/07! The fish was landed on six pound, yes I said SIX pound test. This fish is over one pound larger than the existing rainbow record which has stood for over 30 years! We will have an audio interview with Adam up soon. What an amazing catch!!!!!! |
Tuesday, June 5, 2007
Henry's Lake hybrids are biting...
Henry's lake is one of the top trophy trout destinations in the nation. I just got off the phone with the hatchery manager and some nice fish have already been landed since the opener including a 13 pound hybrid and a legitimate 5 pound brook trout. Here is an article that talks a little about the new winter fishery that has started. |
Tuesday, May 29, 2007
New Colorado state record Mackinaw...50 pounds!
Talk about a pig! Check out the girth on this monster. Officially weighing in at 50.35 with a 35.5 inch girth the laker shattered the old Colorado state record by almost 6 pounds. |
Saturday, May 26, 2007
Monster 25 pound brown trout landed at Wickiup Reservoir in Oregon...
Wow, wow...what a fish! We all dream of a fish like this...and they always seem to be caught by guys fishing with bait that have tiny nets! Anyhow, congrats to the angler who landed this fish of many lifetimes. Check at the article and picture here. In my opinion, Wickiup Reservoir has produced more monster browns over 20 pounds than any other reservoir on the west side of the US in recent years. |
Friday, May 25, 2007
Fishermen un-friendly regulation changes, hardware restrictions and loss of season planned for Pyramid Lake
I always hate to see license fees and other costs increase for no apparent reason. I also hate to see hardware restrictions and loss of season unless justified. All of these things are apparently going down at Pyramid Lake in Nevada. This is the premiere trophy trout cutthroat fishery in the nation. During prime time 10 pound fish are caught every week. You can read about the proposed changes here. I am sure we will be hearing more about this in the coming weeks. |
Friday, May 18, 2007
Proper trophy trout catch and release techniques...
Here is an interesting article talking about holding certain species of fish by their jaw in a vertical position. Almost all of us are guilty of holding trout that we are going to release vertically either by the gill plate or with grippers. Although grippers are nice, they were not designed for trout and they actually can do a lot of damage to the fish. |
Wednesday, May 16, 2007
3rd largest brown trout ever documented just caught!
This is HOT off of the presses. A new Michigan state record brown was just landed on Monday that is said to be the third largest brown ever documented being landed in the US on rod and reel. What a toad...that is one funky looking brown =) Check out details here... |
Tuesday, May 15, 2007
Great Lakes LOC tournament ends with last minute heroics...
This tourney sounds like fun. You know when a 20 pound brown takes first place that some quality fish are coming to the scale. The great lakes are one fishery where a catch and release tourney isn't really needed. Some quality macks came to the scale as well...check out the story here... |
Sunday, May 6, 2007
Giant White River brown trout found dying...
Cool story...someone sees a flopping, giant brown near the shoreline and notifies fish and game. They come and try to revive the fish...but it is too late. My guess is that the fish simply died of old age. That fish will probably age out around 13 years old...which is very old for a brown trout. Check out the girth on this brown! This is one of the girthiest browns I have ever seen! Think about it...this is one of the largest browns ever seen... |
Tuesday, April 24, 2007
California and Oregon trout openers are almost upon us!
Every year trophy trout hunters on the west coast prep their gear for the big trout openers. Every year some big browns are landed in the Bishop/Bridgeport area of California and the lakes of Central Oregon. This year is unique in that the openers fall on the same weekend...which isn't usually the case. There should be some nice browns caught in the next two weeks...can't wait to hear the reports!
Here is a little article on some of the California lakes that are know to produce toad browns. Should get your heart pumping! |
Sunday, April 22, 2007
More big trout from England...
Our friends over at Midlands Flyfishing in England sent us this recent report and picture of a nice 12 pound rainbow:
Ernest Duggar landed the 12.5lb rainbow during a day's guided fly fishing in the Cotswolds. The rainbow took a white/silver tadpole lure around 6 feet down within 5 meters of the bank. Ernest also landed a 6lb 12oz rainbow, and had another estimated at 11lbs reject the fly at the very last second, the fish having followed the lure for several meters.
Exciting fishing in clear water! Further details of service at www.midlands-flyfishing/big-trout.htm |
Thursday, April 19, 2007
Nice river rainbow caught in New York...
According to this story, the giant rainbow came out of a small creek and is NOT a great lakes "steelhead". At any rate, it is a nice rainbow for that small stream and I am sure anyone would be thrilled to catch it. Neat story! |
Wednesday, April 11, 2007
Big Trout tournaments...
Any tournament called the "Monster Trout Tournament" gets my attention. I received a press release recently to announce this neat sounding contest. The fish are large, stocked fish...but it still sounds like fun. Check out the details here...
Another big tourney going on is "Mack Days" on Flathead Lake in Montana. With over $22,000 in cash and prizes it is one of the larger "trophy trout" events in the nation. Looks like a toad was landed recently to take over the lead in the contest... |
Saturday, April 7, 2007
Utah reservoirs going ice free...
Keeping the Utah theme going for another day... Strawberry is starting to see some of the ice melting along the edges. Many of the other "trophy" reservoirs have gone ice free as well. We have heard additional rumors of some giant trout being landed in Utah waters. |
Thursday, April 5, 2007
Nice brown landed in Utah..
I love stories like this... a guy who has fished a favorite lake for many, many years finally gets "the big one". Check out this article and picture of a beautiful 17 pound hookjaw brown landed out of a small lake in Utah... |
Sunday, March 25, 2007
New Utah state record tiger trout landed...
This is hot off the press...yesterday, March 24, an angler landed a 29.5" tiger trout out of Utah's Palisade Reservoir. It weighed over 10 pounds which will shatter the existing record. As most of you know...the tiger trout is a brown-brook hybrid. This hybridization does occur naturally in the wild...but is VERY rare. All of the tiger trout that you hear about in certain reservoirs are artificially created in very controlled hatchery conditions. I will have a link to the press shortly... |
Thursday, March 22, 2007
More Spoons for trophy trout...
Had the article a few weeks ago on using spoons for Mackinaw. Here is a little read on "spooning" for brown trout on the great lakes. |
Friday, March 16, 2007
Pend Oreille Brown Trout?
Yes, we all know that Pend Oreille pumps out HUGE rainbows, quality lake trout and even the occasional fat bull trout. We have all heard stories of browns in years past...but you just don't run across a recent photograph that often. So, when I did...I figured I would post a link =) As many of you know, Lake Pend Oreille is embroiled in a nasty situation right now. Recently, some major members of the LPOIC resigned in disgust at what is going on with the management of the lake. Lake Trout "experts" have been brought in and they say things may rebound in 5-10 years...but are not looking good in the short term. |
Sunday, March 4, 2007
Spoons for trophy trout?
Spoons are not talked about as much as they used to be when it comes to chasing monster trout. Here is a very general little article that talks about "spooning" for lake trout. |
Monday, February 26, 2007
One cool looking giant rainbow!
I have always dreamed of fishing the Kootenai River in Montana below the Libby Dam. I can image the giants that are down there right now...gorging on dead fish getting flushed through the dam. I have some unique ideas on what might get gear down through the fast water and give me a shot at getting one to bite. In the mean time, I will look at pictures of fish like this and dream... |
Friday, February 16, 2007
Released brook trout declared Freshwater Fishing Hall of Fame world record!
Tim Matheson's monster brook trout caught in October of 2006 taped out to be between 14-16 pounds. Since it was released there was some question as to whether or not it would qualify for a new world record. While it won't be an IGFA record, it is officially the new Freshwater Fishing Hall of Fame world record. Check out this article for more details... |
Thursday, February 1, 2007
Wow...this rainbow is HUGE!
The first time I read this article...I had to re-read the weight of this fish twice to make sure I wasn't hallucinating! This truly is a giant. But, after doing a little research, I found out the reason that this fish got to this size was because there is a salmon hatchery in the vicinity and these huge rainbows sit near the outflows and feed on excrement and leftover food. It is a wild fish this is a unique set of circumstances. I tell you what...I wouldn't mind that fish on the end of my line! |
Friday, January 26, 2007
Lake Davis says, "bye bye" to its pike population...for now.
What do you do if someone puts an aggressive fish eating species like northern pike into a lake that drains downstream into rivers that have endangered salmonids? You try everything to get them out...and when that doesn't work, you try it again =) Here is the story of what the state of California is dealing with in this continuing saga... |
Saturday, January 20, 2007
New travel restrictions to go into effect...
Beginning January 23, 2007, ALL persons, including U.S. citizens, traveling by air between the United States and Canada, Mexico, Central and South America, the Caribbean, and Bermuda will be required to present a valid passport, Air NEXUS card, or U.S. Coast Guard Merchant Mariner Document, or an Alien Registration Card, Form I-551, if applicable.
Sounds like things are tightening up...better go get that passport if you are heading up to Canada! More details here... |
Sunday, January 14, 2007
Strawberry Reservoir, Utah...
The American Fisheries Society has just named Strawberry Reservoir in Utah the "Sport Fishery Development and Management Outstanding Sport Fish Restoration Project of the Year for 2006". Here is an article talking about how it happened.
I have heard a lot about Strawberry and knew it had produced world class cutthroat trout in the past. But I didn't realize that it was still fishing so well. Here is a link to a page that will provide you with lots of great info on how to fish Strawberry. |
Thursday, January 11, 2007
State record brook trout landed!
A giant 11 lb. 3 oz. brook trout has been landed in South Dakota. The huge fish may be the largest ever landed in the US and will most likely be a new IGFA line class world record. More amazing was the fact that the fish was hooked by two anglers at the same time! Check out more details here...
**TTG has obtained an exclusive interview with Ryan Rempfer, the angler who landed the fish. He was fishing with his good buddy David Busch who also had the fish hooked before it broke his line. |
Sunday, January 7, 2007
Big trout can still be caught!
You know what is really interesting to think about? After all of these years and all the naysayers complaining about how our environmental practices are going to destroy mother nature... big trout are still around and records are still being broken! Here is a list of trout records broken in 2006. This gives me hope that big trout will still be swimming when my kids are old enough to chase after them. |
Wednesday, January 3, 2007
Great Lakes brown trout...
First off, Happy New Year from TTG! We hope '07 brings good times and big fish to all of our readers. Ok, I ran across a decent article discussing brown trout fishing on Lake Michigan. This should be on every trophy trout angler's short list of "dream destinations".
With fish over 30 pounds coming every year, it is widely believed that the next world record brown will come from the great lakes region. It is only a matter of time... |
Wednesday, December 27, 2006
In keeping with the international theme...
I usually don't think of England when I talk about trophy trout fishing. That changed when I got an email from guide Steve Yoemans of Midlands flyfishing. He sent me this picture of a "cracking" 14 pound rainbow taken on a recent trip. We look forward to more reports and pics from Steve. Here is some background on the big fish:
Gary Bauer (on the left of the shot) took the 14lb rainbow during a guided day with me the other week. Funnily enough, Gary was taking a day off, having flown in from the USA on a business trip. Having spent the day sight fishing with one fish around 4lbs to show for our efforts, I spotted a pod of trout working bait fish close to an island at dusk.
That last hour was magic indeed! I swapped pattern to my own Midlands Fry, and Gary put out some good long casts to drop the fly across a drop off. We had 3 hits in that last hour of daylight, landing two of them. The first at 6lbs 10oz,while the last fish of the day was the big one. When it took the lure we certainly knew, the top half of the rod slammed round! Great fight with a well conditioned fish! |
Saturday, December 23, 2006
Merry Christmas and happy holidays to all TTG readers!
The holiday season is a time to hang out with family...and if you are lucky, sneak off for a last minute trout trip! If you can find ice free waters that hold trout, this is an excellent time of year to get after them. Most folks are home in their warm houses, but a few of the die hard trophy trout hunters are freezing their toes off as we speak.
Anyhow, TTG would like to wish everyone a Merry Christmas and happy holidays! 2007 should be a lot of fun. We hope it is a great year for your trophy trout hunting, see you out on the water! |
Monday, December 18, 2006
Dream Destination = New Zealand...
New Zealand and Patagonia are perhaps two of the top "dream destinations" for any trophy trout angler. Patagonia is know for monster sea-run browns while New Zealand hosts a variety of big rainbow and brown fisheries. While the two destinations are very different in topography, style of fishing and other factors... they share a common bond...huge, wild trout!
Check out this short read out of a New Zealand paper talking about a tributary to a North Island lake. Sounds like a blast to me! |
Wednesday, December 13, 2006
If you live in Colorado...
One of the things any serious trophy trout angler should be doing is...researching. One of the first places one should go is your state's fish and game website. Scour EVERY page of the website and take notes on locations that may house large trout. Sometimes the best way to find that "secret" location is by looking at pictures of other angler's big trout.
Colorado has something that more and more states are doing these days. It is called a "Master Angler Program" and lists top catches in the state by species. You can take a look at the species that we are interested in... trout... and find some waters that may hold some big fish. Another key feature is they are categorized by date so you can follow big fish trends. |
Friday, December 8, 2006
Pend Oreille Thanksgiving Derby Results:
Every year hundreds of trophy trout enthusiasts travel many miles to enter into one the largest trout derbies on the west coast. With the Idaho Fish and Game encouraging anglers to kill trout this year to help the kokanee populations, it isn't as hard to "digest" all of the dead fish entered in the derby (although it still kills me).
Though I don't know much about the details of the kokanee collapse, I wish they would focus on bolstering juvenile kokanee numbers via net pen projects and plankton supplementation rather than kill these beautiful, apex predators. Anyhow, back to the derby! You can check out the final results over at our friend's site, the LPOIC. This club works to protect the Pend Oreille fishery and needs all the help they can get during this tough time. Most of the membership fees go directly back into protecting this unique fishery. |
Tuesday, December 5, 2006
Montana's Blackfeet Reservation Trout!
Big trout of a variety of species in a beautiful setting...sounds good to me! The many lakes on the Blackfeet Reservation should be on any trophy trout hunter's short list of dream destinations. Rainbows to 10 pounds, browns to 15, big brookies...all within miles of each other? Can you say road trip?? Check out this article to get the juices flowing! |
Wednesday, November 29, 2006
Pyramid Lake Trophy Cutthroat Trout...
If at all possible, every trophy trout angler should fish this incredible fishery at least once in their lifetime. The fish are spectacular, the scenery is spectacular...what is not to love? If you are serious about achieving the ultimate cutthroat catch, (a fish over 10 pounds), then this is the place to be. Here is an article that covers the details about the lake and talks a bit about the 2006/2007 season. |
Tuesday, November 21, 2006
Potential World Record Brook Trout Landed!
Every trophy trout angler dreams of a fish like this. What a beautiful specimen of a brook trout! Tim Matheson landed a 29" long by 21" girth brook trout on October 21, 2006. Most formulas put this fish 15 - 17 pounds. The current world record brook trout is 14 pounds 8 ounces, so this could shatter that mark. The unique thing about this that he released it.
Updated: ** TTG has obtained an exclusive audio interview with Tim Matheson of Kenanow Lodge. Check it out here ... |
Thursday, November 16, 2006
Largest Lake Trout Ever Caught on Video...
It's a bird, it's a plane,'s a 70 pound lake trout! That is 2 pounds off the world record. Dang...that is one fat fish. Thought the TTG readers would get a kick out of this one. I wonder how old this fish was? |
Friday, November 11, 2006
Some Neat Arkansas Trout Articles
Most trophy trout hunters dream of that one monster that grabs our bait or lure. Here is the story of the former world record brown trout, caught on a marshmallow and corn combo of all things! Here is another article that discusses jig fishing. Marabou jigs are an effective way to catch trout in many situations...but for some reason it is rarely talked about. The North Fork in Arkansas produces lots of big fish every year. Check out these articles that detail some tips and tricks to landing that fish of a lifetime. |
Thursday, November 2, 2006
Trout Hatchery Info...
Many of us take the fingerling-planted hatchery fish we catch for granted. I can tell you from personal experience that raising fish is a LOT of work, and many small details have to be followed for things to go as planned. Here is a brief article from West Virginia that talks a bit about the cold water trout program in that state. |
Friday, October 27, 2006
Southern California Brown Trout?
Yes, just minutes from "The OC", and "Laguna Beach", Diamond Valley Lake has been stocked with fingerling brown trout. This exploding fishery has the potential to grow very large fish, very quickly. It has produced rainbows over 10 pounds, and it wouldn't be a shock to see 10 pound browns in 3-4 years... Check out a short blurb on the stocking of the browns... |
Sunday, October 22, 2006
Good News for Montana...
Much of the water that flows into western rivers and eventually down into the Pacific ocean comes from states like Montana. Many times, the focus is put on the coastal rivers and fish stocks, and the upstream water sources are left "high and dry". It looks like Montana is finally going to get some significant mitigation money for fish related work. |
Sunday, October 15, 2006
Monster Rainbow Trout Secret Location?
Every once in a while you stumble across a trout location that you have never heard of before and may offer a shot at a true monster trout. Lake Diefenbaker may or may not be one of those locations. After reading this article it appears to be a similar situation to Rufus Woods in Washington. If so, the real monsters won't last long... |
Thursday, October 12, 2006
Brook Trout Destinations...
Brook trout, speckled trout, square tails... different names for the same fish. One of the most beautiful, native Salmonids in North America, they are certainly a species that most trophy trout hunters dream about catching. "Trophy" brook trout is a relative term. In many east coast streams, a 15" fish is a trophy. On the west coast, a four pounder is a fish of a lifetime. The largest brook trout in the world are found in the Minipi watershed, in Labrador, Canada. Some of the lakes boast an average catch of 5 pounds! Here is an article talking about some of the locations that one might choose for that brookie of a lifetime. |
Sunday, October 8, 2006
Pyramid Lake Opener
Pyramid Lake, located near Reno Nevada, is the premiere cutthroat trout fishery in the nation. Last year, a MONSTER 24 pound fish was caught from shore by a fly fisherman. The lake opened October 1st and so far we have heard of two fish over 10 pounds landed. These are lahontan strain fish that are really beautiful to look at. One of the things that makes Pyramid a popular fishery is the fact that almost anybody can get out there and catch a lot of fish...with a legitimate shot at a trophy over 5 pounds. |
Tuesday, October 3, 2006
Books you should own...
Ok, you call yourself a trophy trout junky? Then your bookshelves should be stocked with books about your quarry. Here are some titles that TTG would recommend: Big Trout by Bernie Taylor, The Mind of the Trout by Thomas Grubb, Big Trout: Catch and Release 20 lb. Trophy Trout by Ray Johnson, Fly Fishing Stillwaters for Trophy Trout by Denny Rickards, and Sierra Trout Guide by Ralph Cutter. These books will give you some insight into what makes big trout tick. There are many other regional publications that are excellent references for specific bodies of water, but the books listed above are some of the best general informational trophy trout reads available. |
Thursday, September 28, 2006
Problems at Pend Oreille
As most of you know...Lake Pend Oreille in Idaho is the premiere trophy rainbow fishery in the nation. For the last few years, the kokanee population has been in serious decline. The Idaho Fish and Game has been trying various methods to try and help increase adult kokanee numbers. Things are getting pretty bad and all the stops are being pulled out to figure out what to do to save this unique fishery. They are even hiring a mackinaw expert from the great lakes area. Here is another article discussing what is going on. Concerned trophy trout anglers should think about joining the LPOIC, a club which donates proceeds to help the fishery directly. Let's get involved! |
Sunday September 17, 2006
Some Notable Big Trout...
Here are some neat pictures to check out. They include the former world record brown, 2 former California record browns and the Utah record mackinaw. One thing that struck me was the girth of some of these fish. You just don't see fish shaped like these very often any more. Many reservoirs have a period where everything is "exploding" and the forage is abundant. This leads to apex predators that exhibit very extreme girth to length ratios. Both the Flaming Gorge and the Twin Lakes of California seemed to go through this phase. Anyhow, enjoy these unique pics...
Thursday, September 21, 2006
Lake Almanor Trout
Lake Almanor in California offers anglers a legitimate shot at a 3 species trophy day. With some research and a little bit of luck you would have a legitimate chance at a brown, rainbow and landlocked salmon over 4 pounds out of the same impoundment. How many other lakes do you know of that offer that opportunity? Overall fish size is down a bit in recent years due to the smelt forage base going downhill, but this is still a trophy fishery for sure. This is a small article to help familiarize you with the lake... |
Sunday September 17, 2006
Tahoe Trophies
Lake Tahoe is not only one of the most beautiful lakes on the west is a dang good trophy mackinaw lake as well. Throw in the occasional large brown and rainbow and you have the makings for the perfect trophy trout lake. Mike Nielson is a trophy trout guide on the lake who puts clients into quality fish like the one pictured on a pretty regular basis. We will be working with Mike in the future so look for reports and pics. Any readers who are looking for a Tahoe guide who specializes in big fish should give him a call.
Thursday, September 14, 2006
Monster Kokanee
Flaming Gorge Reservoir used to be known for its world class brown trout fishing. Now it pumps out large lake trout and VERY large kokanee. Case in point is this 5.9 pound beast that Ron Carey recently landed at "the gorge". Considering the Wyoming state record is 6.03 pounds....pretty close! At over 24" long this landlocked sockeye is larger than most trout!
Saturday September 9, 2006
Pend Oreille Derby
Lake Pend Oreille is home to the largest rainbows in North America. Twenty pounders hardly raise an eyebrow and it takes a "patch fish" of over 25 pounds to get people really excited. The Bayview chamber of commerce is proud to announce the 2006 "Oktoberfish" Derby. Sounds like there will be some serious prize money...check out the details here... |
Wednesday, September 6, 2006
Trophy Trout Taxidermy
Many big fish hunters dream of catching and mounting that once in a lifetime trout. Check out the work done on a giant brown that came out of California this year... beautiful! Some people work a lifetime for that one big fish, so if you are going to have the fish mounted, you might as well spend some money and get it done right. Folks who want to release their fish can have a replica made up that should match their catch to satisfaction. If any TTG readers have a fish they need mounted, you can check out Rick's services here.
Sunday September 3, 2006
Cutthroat Article ...
One of the most beautiful species of the genus Oncorhynchus, the cutthroat trout has many subspecies. This article focuses on the "Snake River Cutthroat". Check out this informative read that covers the basics of the CT. |
Thursday, August 31, 2006
White River Browns
The White River in Arkansas is world renown for its monster browns. Most trophy trout nuts are familiar with the area, in part because the current world record brown was landed only miles away.The White River is your best shot at a 5 pound plus, moving water brown in the US. We have partnered with trophy trout specialist and guide Donald Cranor ... so look for his fishing reports and photos in the near future. If any TTG readers are thinking of traveling over to chase these fish, be sure to give Donald a call.
Saturday August 26, 2006
Dolly Varden Article ...
Technically a char, the dolly varden is the sea run version of the bull trout. They were technically the same species until 1978 when a biologist proved that there are distinct physiological differences between the two. A dolly varden in full spawning colors is one of the most beautiful fish one can imagine. This is a good read discussing many aspects of this unique species. |
Thursday, August 24, 2006
Monster Brown Caught!
Dan put his Dad onto a 10 LB.+ brown earlier this spring at Crescent Lake. He was paid back in spades this past weekend with his first brown over 10 LB. The monster went just over 11 LB. with a length of 29.5 in. It was released after the photo. Congrats Dan and I wish you many more!
Sunday August 20, 2006
New Cabela's® Opening ...
What I want to know is when we are going to get a Cabela's® on the west coast? Come on! Many trophy trout hunters have ordered online or via the mail order catalogues for years...but few on the west coast have actually been inside of a physical store. I imagine it is probably a little like going to Disneyland® for the first time =) Anyhow, here is a 'lil blurb on a new store opening in Wisconsin... |
Thursday, August 17, 2006
Eagle Lake Rainbows
Eagle Lake is one of the most consistent producers of quality rainbow trout in the state of California. These trout are endemic to the lake and are know for their hard fighting ability. There is a hot bite going on right now at the lake...check out some of the details here... |
Sunday August 13, 2006
Whirling Disease...
Doesn't seem like we hear as much about whirling disease as we once did. Well, it is something that any trout angler should be concerned about. This read will remind us what it is and a little about what is going on with the disease right now. |
Thursday, August 10, 2006
40 Pound Rainbow Trout
This happened last year, but is still pertinent. How often do we hear of a 40 pound rainbow trout?? Perhaps the most amazing thing about this catch is that she landed the fish on six pound test. That is crazy. If you watch some of the Pend Oreille footage on this site you can watch anglers getting worked by 15-20 pound fish on much heavier tackle. |
Monday August 7, 2006
Utah Brook Trout Article
Monster brook trout are hard to come by in most places. Here is a neat read that talks a little bit about a lake in Utah that holds some quality fish.. |
Saturday August 5, 2006
2 Giant Browns in 2 Days!
It has been a while since these fish were caught, but we finally have the pictures to see for ourselves what we had heard to be true. One brown over 10 pounds in a year is great for about 2 in 2 days!! That is exactly what an angler did recently up in Oregon.
These two browns weighing 18 and 15 Lb. respectively, were caught on successive mornings around dawn. My guess is that no one has caught 2 browns over 15 Lb. in successive days since the glory days of Flaming Gorge in the 70's. The Great Lakes might be the only exception..but those are a totally different fish. They were photographed by guide Steve Kroll as he was awaiting his clients arrivals.
Chuck Jones is no stranger to catching trophy browns. His list stands at (25) browns over 10 LB. with at least 6 over 15 LB. in the last 30 years. We have seen most of his photos and can attest to this monumental feat. He is without a doubt, the most prolific trophy brown trout producer in the State of Oregon. As far as I know, only Rich Reinwald, Id. (34), Jim Bringhurst, Ca. (32), and Alan Cole, Nv. (29), all Brownbaggers, have amassed more total browns over 10 LB. than Chuck on the West Coast!.
Thursday August 3, 2006
Flaming Gorge Lake Trout Article
Ran across this Flaming Gorge article recently. It is pretty cool to hear about a youngster hooking big fish like that! It has some basic info on lake trout life history and habitat, etc. |
Tuesday, August 1, 2006
Monster Rainbow Trout
Heard some rumors of a GIANT rainbow trout coming out of Lava Lake up in Oregon. After a little research we came up with a link to a small blurb that describes the catch. Rick was able to locate a grainy picture that shows the beast. The fins look like they are in pretty good shape which means...this fish has been around for a loooong time.
Know of some interesting trophy trout related news? Shoot us an email! |