Mike Mott with his new Rainbow record from Nevada.
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I got an email from buddy Mike McNeilly from Nevada that he had caught a
big cutt at Pyramid recently. I will have that report up a little later.
In his email he mentioned that the Nevada State Record for rainbow trout
had just fallen less than a week ago.
In an attachment was an email from John Elliot, Eastern Region Fisheries
Supervisor with NDOW who weighed in the record. I decided to give him a
call. It seems that Mike Mott's new record rainbow broke the old one going
back to Dec. 1971 that came out of Lake Mojave. His big beast weighed in
at 16.5 LB. and taped out to 30.5 in. He used a stone fly nymph and a 5
weight fly rod....that must have been a fun fight for sure!
Congratulations Mike on your record!
Tight Lines,